Scott's Thoughts Pamphlet!

mug face

Hello World!waving hand emoji

Hi I’m Scott

Last updated: January 20th 2021

I’m a web developer for Creative Products at Karmarama, based in Farringdon, London UK. Currently working from home.

I’m a second career dev, that reskilled from a VBA analyst developer role into web development.

I have (as of January 20th 2021) a 1,486 day GitHub streak, there are several OSS projects I like to contribute to the majority of my commits are for my projects, feel free to take a look 👀

I’m a massive fan of the jamstack and in particular the progressive web app generator Gatsby. Right now I’m enjoying integrating that with as many things as possible, here are some examples:

More details in the portfolio section.

Sectors I have worked in:

Finance (Risk, Asset Management), Property, Oil & Gas, Lloyd’s insurance market. As a web developer I’ve worked in government digital transformation and now creative digital.

My personality

I find it hard to identify my traits, so instead I took the 16Personalities test, here are my results.

My interests

I try to get to the gym three times a week to weight lift, that took up quite a bit of my time over the last 3 years or so. I have focused on the compound lifts bench, press, squat and my favourite, deadlift!

If there’s anything you want to ask, you can Ask Me Anything

Music I listen to

I’m a massive Drum and Bass fan, I have a Spotify playlist I like to listen to for coding with the title for which I stole from Phil Hawksworth:

Other playlists I’d recommend would be the UKF Drum and Bass Top 100:

Now Playing - Spotify 🎧

Scott, Spotify Playing

Podcasts I listen to

I listen to many podcasts, here are some that I get a lot of value from that aren’t all code related:

Darknet Diaries

Indie Hackers


Last updated: January 9th 2021

Top Languages used:

Here’s my top languages I use, calculated from my GitHub commits.

This chart is updated with my GitHub contributions data via the GitHub GraphQL endpoint every time this site is built, you can see what languages I’m using daily.

The last build date was, August 18th 2021.


A mixture of personal and professional projects I have worked on.

MDX Embed



MDX Embed allows you to embed popular 3rd party media content such as YouTube videos, Tweets, Instagram posts and many more straight into your .mdx

React SEO Component



A React component for adding Open Graph and SEO meta tags to your projects.

ASI Style Guide



Aberdeen Standard Investments style guide made with Gatsby using MDX

City 2 Sea



A playful landing page to help raise awareness of the issues caused by flushing wet wipes down the toilet. Featuring the voice of (Gollum) Andy Serkis


This is a rolling 53 week representation of my GitHub contributions chart taken from the GitHub GraphQL endpoint, this data was last updated when the site was built on, August 18th 2021.

What I’m doing Now

Last updated: October 28th 2020


Working as a Web Developer for Karmarama, using a variety of technologies.

I’m evangelising the jamstack to anyone that will listen on the team and we have used Gatsby in several projects now, being one of the first.

I have estimated and delivered a project in Preact utilising Lottie animations in a guided tour with action points to give more information.

Recently documented the migration plan of a project from a legacy server and suggested the next iteration of the project.


I’m still playing Borderlands 3! With the Legendary collection on the Switch I’m now playing Borderlands 2 again!!

Due to COVID19 gym hasn’t been happening 😢


Last updated: February 4th 2021

All the equipment and tools I use on a daily basis.

For home, I use Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview exclusively now. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) has come a long way with WSL2.

If you are intersted in getting familiar with it check the tags section for WSL.

Uses at home



I have been through many Linux distributions, currently I’m dual booting Windows with Pop!_OS by System76

Editor + Terminal

Desktop Apps

Uses at work


Editor + Terminal

Desktop apps

  • For gif capture I use Kap.
  • For installing any apps I’m using Homebrew.

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Scott Spence

Built with Gatsby · Hosted on Vercel · 2021